Nature´s Songs

“This beautiful record showcases refreshingly
songs rooted in meaningful depictions

of Frederike’s deep connection to nature.
The chemistry of the members of FRÉ is
palpable, and as connected as the songs


– Becca Stevens

FRÉ – Nature’s Songs. Very, very worthwhile
to get this particular album, because this
is going to be the first of many.
And this is going to be one of the biggest
bands in Europe probably, in the next
20 years.“

– Linley Hamilton (BBC Radio)

“Nature’s Songs is a heartfelt collection of
original music. Its message combines the
personal with the universal, asking for
reflection and appreciation. A true
group effort; carefully crafted with attention
to detail and played with urgency.”

– Ben van Gelder

“It moves you, makes you think and takes
you on a journey to a world where

everything is possible.
Very important in this Trump-era.

– Izaline Callister

“Such an original, appealing
and impassioned prompt for humanity
to awake to the beauty and
preciousness of our earth.”

– Kate McGarry


Nature’s Songs is about the love and appreciation I feel for planet Earth and all life on it.
This cycle of ten songs, all inspired by different aspects of nature, aims to share my love and
appreciation, and to raise awareness of the environment that surrounds us all.

For me, it feels like awareness of the wonders of our planet is needed more now than ever before.
Nowadays, the world is changing so fast that we don’t take time to sincerely appreciate our
surroundings, especially nature. It seems that since we’re not fully aware of its beauty and
significance anymore, we’re spoiling it, more rapidly every day.

With the songs of this album, we hope to show you, the listener, how fundamentally fascinating
and amazing different aspects of nature are, how they work together, how they keep each other
alive, and what we can learn from them.

Reflecting our beliefs, this album product was produced as “green” as possible. For example, we have
printed everything on eco-friendly paper and aim to use a minimum of plastics in all of our

Our music is inspired by all of these thoughts. We don’t want to be preachy, or moralizing, but we
want to play music that reflects our time and our thoughts as young adults. We hope that our
songs will pass on the love and joy that we experienced while working on them, and make the
listener think, wonder and smile.



The thing I like most about flying
Is to be reminded of the fact
That above the clouds
The sun is always shining
The thing I like most about rain
Is to be reminded
That without these cloudy days
Life on Earth would not exist
The thing I like most about sad days
Is to be reminded
That without these bad days
The good ones wouldn’t persist
The thing I like most about living
Is to be reminded
That even when life get’s hard
Happiness always survives in people’s hearts
Happiness always survives in my heart
Happiness always survives in our hearts
The thing I like most about trying
Is to be reminded
That even when you’ve failed a thousand times
Every time you tried, you learned something new
Every time you tried, you learned something new


Why is grass green
and why is the sky blue?
Does the blue that I see
look like the same color to you?
Do the birds in the sky
find the sky blue too?
Or do they realize that it’s different
when they take a closer look?
Why is it so
that to me this world looks bright
while for some
it seems as dark as night?
Sometimes I wonder
what the world would look like without colors
the world in black and white
Cause these are no colors, right?
So then why would anyone differ between these
or prefer one above the other
or believe one has more rights than the former?
Very insane, don’t you think?


Little grains of sand
Sticking to my bare feet
My toes are sinking in the sand
On this lonesome beach
I wash them off
In the North Sea’s salty water
The tide comes up
Many grains are washed away
The sea takes them to a place I’ll never know
The wind is blowing
Little grains flying through the air
They give the wind a different sound
Where do all these grains of sand come from?
They are as old as the Earth
Maybe, once part of an immense mountain range
Lasting through years, centuries, ages of change
Where are these grains going?
Who will they meet
And who have they met
I wonder if a Roman soldier
Had the same grain of sand sticking to his toes
As the ones sticking to mine
Maybe that man brought this grain to the North Sea
And this grain of sand has been waiting for all these years
To be picked up by me

Still and strong they stand
So tall, so grounded
Their roots embracing
Their foundation
Only half of what we see
Is what we get
So firm, they bend,
Their branches dancing on the beat of the wind
Oh, pretty tree
That once was a seed
Only a few seeds make it
To grow into tiny plants
Only a few plants make it
To become little bushes
Only few bushes make it
To become full-grown trees
And then we
come along
Turning a tree,
That grew for so long,
From a seed,
That was the chosen one,
Into the paper that you’re reading from,
Into the stage that I’m standing on,
Into the chair you are sitting on..


Bees, honey, drones, flowers
Trees, blossom, we, poison
Queens, honey, take
What is yours
Bees, working, for
Flowers making love.


It’s late
The sun went off to other lands
Darkness surrounds us
I look up at the sky
The moon glances back at me
She grins, with a vertical smile
moon, mond, maan
she has so many names
she was there
at the start of days
she was there
long before we came
she’s been watching us
(forever and) always
We stand there for a while
Enjoying the silence
Moon seems lonely
In that big blue sky
Shining only at night
moon, mond, maan
she has so many names
she was there
at the start of days
she was there
long before we came
she’s been watching us
(forever and) always
She emits a magnetic field
That keeps the Earth on track
The only reason we have life
Is cause she stays on her path (2x)
moon, mond, maan
she has so many names
she was there
at the start of days
she was there
long before we came
she’s been watching us
(forever and) always

Dear little fish in the sea
I’m sorry that you’re hungry
Dear little fish
I’m sorry that you’re sad
Dear little fish in the sea
I’m sorry that you’re lonely
Dear little fish
I’m sorry that I’m a threat
a threat
a threat
It’s not that the sea is empty
It’s not that the sea is gone
It’s just that your sea is sick
And there’s no other place for you to go
Dear little fish in the sea
I’m sorry that you’re hungry
Dear little fish
I know what you’d wish
You’d wish for us to be friendly..


8. ICE
(Form: Haiku)
Bright white in blue
Polar bears are wobbling
On frozen water
Ice chunks drift apart
Trapped inside a circus act
Last bears balancing
Drip, drop, ice melting
We know the consequences
Tick, tock, clock ticking
Tick, tock, time running
Process accelerating
Nod, nod, no action


Plants and weeds
They both come from seeds
But even though they are born and grow the same way
One will be killed, and the other may stay
The distinction isn’t a matter of appearance
Nor of strength or perseverance
It’s in the education of those who took control over them
And yes, that’s where we come in again
Maybe the label of weeds
Doesn’t only apply to seeds
What if not only plants
Suffer from discrimination
Weeds and plants
They could be best friends
And even when they get along very well
There’s someone above who can cast an evil spell
Maybe the label of weeds
Doesn’t only apply to seeds
What if not only plants
Suffer from discrimination
What if the label of weeds
Doesn’t only apply to seeds
Maybe not only plants
Suffer from discrimination


Raindrops, on my window pane
Little puddles, down the lane
Earth’s ancient water, is led into drains
I wonder where these raindrops have been,
I wonder what they’ve thought
I wonder what they’ve seen
I wonder if they doubt our powers
And the way we treat this Earth,
That we believe is ours..

all Lyrics written by Frederike Berendsen.